Lunch and Learn: Authentic Care as an Equity Practice

As online professional development opportunities have proliferated, we have been considering how to meaningfully connect with the NROC member community (beyond our monthly webinar series). We are craving an informal-yet-structured regular meetup where we can engage in reflection and share our experiences and expertise.

Enter NROC Lunch and Learns, book club-style discussions related to a particular topic, hosted in an intimate Zoom room. Prior to a scheduled Lunch and Learn, we will share a video and / or article that will orient participants to the meetup theme. Interested parties are invited—but not required—to consider these resources before we convene.

This spring, member survey respondents surfaced that SEL (social-emotional learning) tools and tactics are a top priority. To answer this need, we dug into the Center for Urban Education’s recent talk, How to Express Care with a Focus on Racial Equity.

Presentation title slide
At the 30-minute mark, Dr. Frank Harris, III, from San Diego State University, shares some practical strategies that can be readily implemented.

Watch the Video

Summary Notes and Shared Resources

Please share your ideas about future Lunch and Learn topics in this survey.